Trade policy and internal market analyses by the National Board of Trade, Sweden, are listed here. You are welcome to download them free of charge. If you are looking for a specific topic, use Search at the top of this page, then filter on Publications.
Made in EU– How country of origin labelling affects the internal market
Published: 2020
More and more EU Member States adopt country-of-origin labelling (COOL) for food products. The Swedish National Board of Trade has analysed how such labelling affects the Internal Market.
The Swedish market for textiles
Published: 2022
Sweden has a renowned fashion and home textiles industry, fronted by international giants like H&M and IKEA. These are followed by a number of brands (also) operating on an international stage.
The Swedish market for fresh fruit and vegetables
Published: 2020
Sweden is a large importer of fruit and vegetables, with a turnover of more than 900 million euros a year, making up 19 percent of the total grocery sales. The level of environmental awareness amongst the public is high and constantly growing, generating a consumer trend towards less meat and more greens.
Trade and Gender Equality – the role of trade policy
Published: 2020
International trade is not gender neutral. Due to differences in representation in the economy as well as due to various social inequalities, women and men are affected differently by international trade and trade policy. This report describes some of these differences for men and women as employees, entrepreneurs and...
The trade effects of EU regional trade agreements
Published: 2019
This report analyses the effects of EU regional trade agreements on trade in goods.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Published: 2019
In this report, the National Board of Trade describes the evolution of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). We identify new production trends and discuss how they will affect international trade.
Manual de implementación
Published: 2019
Manual de implementación Los recientes acuerdos comerciales (AC) negociados por la Unión Europea han incluido sistemáticamente disposiciones en el ámbito del comercio y el desarrollo sostenible (CDS). El objetivo principal del presente manual es facilitar la implementación del...
TSD Handbook
Published: 2019
TSD Handbook Recent trade agreements (TAs) negotiated by the EU systematically include provisions on trade and sustainable development (TSD) in the form of a separate chapter. The main objective of this handbook is to facilitate the implementation of the chapter on trade and sustainable development of the TA between...
Reforming compliance management in the Single Market
Published: 2019
The correct application of EU rules is paramount for the functioning of the Single Market. Yet, as discussed in our earlier report In quest of compliance, the EU Member States do not fully comply with the Single market’s rules and principles.
Investment screening in four Nordic countries
Published: 2019
This is a paper about investment screening mechanisms in four Nordic countries. The paper served as basis for a discussion on the topic of 'European origins – the EU Member States' Rules on Screening Foreign Investment' at the research conference 'A Common European Law on Investment Screening' in Gothenburg on 7–8...
Sweden in the EU – a summary
Published: 2019
The report aims to illustrate how the Swedish economy has developed during the last decades, with a certain focus on the development after becoming member of the EU and part of the internal market.
Free Trade Agreements and Countries Outside
Published: 2018
The number of Free-Trade Agreements (FTAs) continues to grow and increasingly set the rules for world trade. The effects of these agreements go beyond the contracting parties and also extend to third countries. This has often been seen as negative because trade diversion, caused by tariff preferences, distorts trade...
Economic integration works
Published: 2018
This report shows that regional trade agreements stimulate trade effectively. Customs unions and other deep integration agreements have the strongest trade effects.
The Cyber Effect
Published: 2018
This report describes the function of IT security and defines by which means IT security in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products can be regulated. It also highlights in which manner the regulation of IT security has a bearing on international trade and market access.
The Use of the EU’s Free Trade Agreements
Published: 2018
This report gives an analysis of the use of tariff preferences in free trade agreements from both parties and from both an exporter and importer perspective.
Enhancing TBT Capacity through Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance
Published: 2017
In this report, the National Board of Trade Sweden evaluates its TBT-related development cooperation activities for the last ten years. The evaluation maps out both pitfalls and success factors in developing effective and sustainable TBT capacity building.
Trade and social sustainability – an overview and analysis
Published: 2017
The main focus of this report is the links between trade and the social dimension of sustainable development.
Summary of the analysis of CETA
Published: 2017
Summary of the analysis of CETA The analysis covers certain parts of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European Union and Canada. The analysis covers the provisions on investment protection including the ICS (Investment Court System), public procurement, environmental and health related...
In Quest of Compliance – Promoting effective enforcement of the EU Single Market
Published: 2016
The EU Member States do not fully comply with the Single market’s rules and principles and this undermines the credibility and effectiveness of the EU. This creates significant problems for citizens and companies and prevents the Single Market from fully delivering projected benefits.
The Servicification of EU Manufacturing
Published: 2016
Servicification means that manufacturing activities and competitiveness increasingly depend on services. Yet, there are still many remaining barriers to the free movement of services within and outside the EU. Is the manufacturing industry’s increasing use of services a possibility to build competitiveness in the EU...